The 7-Step System for Lifestyle Design

If you want to be successful at anything in life, you need a strategy.

I don't make the rules. It's just true.

Lifestyle design is about building one and it should help us answer 3 essential questions:

  1. What do you want?
  2. Why do you want it?
  3. How are you going to get it?

If you want more details on the steps, you can watch a video on my YouTube channel about this.

When people go through my mastermind, we focus on building a strategy that's 3 years out. 

There's a lot of reasons behind this, but if its good enough for Fortune 500 companies, its good enough for me (ultimately allows us to dream about the future without it seeming too far away to be realistic). 

Let's walk through the journey of someone named Sam, who dreams of quitting his job to start a business.

Sam's situation is a bit more complex—he's a husband with a wonderful wife who is pregnant with their second child.

This is how the 7-step Design system can help this busy guy manage the pressures and fears he faces while turning his dream into reality.

1. WHY Statement

First, Sam needs to define his WHY Statement.

Sam's WHY is clear: he wants to start a business because he craves freedom, creativity, and the opportunity to make a bigger impact.

Additionally, he wants to create a better future for his growing family, where he can be more present and provide financial security.

This WHY statement becomes Sam’s north star, guiding every decision he makes.

It’s what will keep Sam motivated when things get tough.

2. Objectives

Next, Sam sets his Objectives, which is a 3-year goal.

He decides that he wants to have a successful business up and running, generating enough income to support his family comfortably.

Sam’s Objective is not just to leave his job, but to build something that aligns with his passions and values while ensuring his family's well-being.

By quantifying this goal and breaking down his

  • currently monthly burn
  • adjusting for how much it will increase with a 2nd child on the way
  • projecting how much money he'll need to start the business

He can create a specific number that becomes a clear target to aim for.

3. Evaluation

Now it’s time for a reality check.

Sam evaluates his current situation: He assesses his savings, skills, and support system. 

He realizes that he needs to improve his business knowledge and build a stronger professional network.

He also notes his strengths, such as his strong work ethic and creativity.

This evaluation helps Sam understand where he stands and what resources he has at his disposal.

It also highlights the importance of balancing his dream with his responsibilities as a husband and father.

4. Short-Term Goals

With a clear understanding of his starting point, Sam sets short-term goals to bridge the gap between his current situation and his Objectives.

These goals include taking business courses, attending networking events, and saving a specific amount of money each month.

Sam also set a monthly discussion with his wife to recap their financial and life goals, ensuring they are on the same page.

By breaking down his big Objective into smaller, manageable steps, Sam creates a practical roadmap to follow.

5. Systems

Creating systems is crucial for Sam’s success.

He sets up a personal finance system to manage their savings and a productivity system to maximize their time.

Sam also establishes a habit of daily learning to build their business knowledge.

These systems help Sam stay organized, avoid bad habits, and maintain steady progress towards their goals.

They also provide a sense of control, reducing the anxiety that comes with juggling family and career aspirations.

He also decides to pay a maid service and lawn care company to take care of some regular chores every 2 weeks. 

Then, he'll utilize those time savings to take action on the next actions that help him move a little closer toward his Objective.

6. Milestones

To stay motivated, Sam creates milestones to celebrate along the way.

He uses the Toast Every Ten method.

This requires you to assign a "trophy" that is meaningful whenever you accomplish something roughly 10% along the journey to your ultimate goal (Objective).

Examples of these milestones include

  • completing his first social media marketing course
  • saving their first $10,000 for the business
  • launching a minimal viable product to start testing

Each milestone represents a significant step forward and gives Sam a reason to celebrate his progress.

This keeps their motivation high and their spirits up.

Celebrating these small wins also reassures his wife, showing that their sacrifices are paying off.

7. Accountability

Finally, Sam sets up an accountability structure and joins a mastermind group where members support and hold each other accountable.

He also hires a business coach to provide professional guidance and keep him on track.

Sam knows that studies show people with regular accountability increase their likelihood of achieving a goal up to 95%!

This accountability ensures that he remains committed to his Objectives and doesn’t stray from his path.

It also helps him manage his fears, knowing he has a support system to lean on when things get tough.

The Importance Of A System

These 7-steps are crucial for repeated success.

I found that society will do everything to distract you from what you want because it needs your resources to function and maintain the status quo.

Without a system, you might make progress, but you'll waste precious time, energy, money and attention along the way.

In the book, The War of Art, Pressfield talks about the "Resistance" and how it shows up to disrupt progress in our lives.

That is why I created the Design Mastermind for ambitious people who want to live exceptional lives on their own terms.

Define what success is to you. Create a plan to get it. Build an accountability structure to prevent you from failing. 

You only get one go on this space rock (my son's term for Earth).

Make it epic!

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