Focus on $100,000 Decisions to Transform Your Wealth

Cutting out your daily coffee won't make you a millionaire.

Focusing on $100,000 decisions will.

Stop listening to money advice from broke people and let’s go over why you’re wasting 80% of your time and energy on the wrong things.

Retain More by Focusing on Big Decisions

Let’s get one thing straight—you shouldn’t spend all your time saving money on making coffee at home when you go out and buy a brand new car you can’t afford.

The small savings are insignificant compared to the larger financial decisions we often overlook.

It's time to shift your focus.

Understanding the Value of $100,000 Decisions

Most people waste all of their time on $100 decisions like saving on groceries or cutting out lattes.

While these add up, they don't come close to the impact of smart $100,000 decisions.

It's about focusing more on what really counts.

Why is this shift in focus so crucial?

Because $100,000 decisions have the power to explode your net worth.

If plugging holes in a boat was $100 decisions, then adding two massive outboard engines to it is $100,000 decisions.

You have to do both, but one is going to get you a lot further than the other...and a lot faster too.

When you prioritize these major financial decisions, you set yourself up for significant growth and opportunities that small savings just can’t match.

The 8 Most Common $100k Categories

How do you identify these $100,000 decisions?

Start by looking at areas with the most potential for growth or savings.

There are eight major categories to consider:

  1. Career Moves - Getting promoted and investing in your skillsets to earn more is one of the most direct ways to build wealth. That makes it one of the most crucial $100k decisions you can make.
  2. Location - Where you live, the cost of living, and the opportunities it brings might be the second most important decision you make around wealth building. But bigger isn't always better. Big cities come with big price tags. Focus on lifestyle design and choose a location that matches it best.
  3. Investment Strategy - Real estate, stocks, crypto, yourself, all of it? If you have clarity around what you want in life, then build an investment strategy to match it. Not the other way around.
  4. Personal Brand - This is the new biggest asset on the block and can make you millions. It doesn't take much to understand how investing in your personal brand can outperform stocks.
  5. Starting a Business - It’s a big risk, but there’s unlimited upside. There's no doubt that this is one of the biggest decisions you can make around financial wealth. But if done wrong, it can also cost you heavily. Build a strategy, start small and fail fast, fail cheap and fail forward.
  6. Tax Strategies - If you already have a lot of money, setting up proper tax strategies can save you a lot of money. But the caveat to this, is that if you get a tax refund or don't have a high income, this shouldn't be a big focus area for you.
  7. Health Decisions - One of the most ignored $100k decisions in our country is our health. Being in bad health will cost you increased healthcare costs and lost opportunities due to low energy. But taking care of your body, mind and soul will open up life-changing opportunities.
  8. Lifestyle Choices - The easiest $100k decision is deciding who you’re going to marry and your 5 closest friends or people you talk to. The books you read, the podcasts you listen to, the conversations you are part of will all have a direct impact on your wealth.

Applying the Lifestyle Design Framework

When you are focused on these big decisions, use this lifestyle design framework to guide you:

  1. Alignment with Goals: Does this fit in with my goals and what I want for my life?
  2. Specific Research: Get specific and research the cost or investment.
  3. Prioritization: Prioritize the decisions with the highest potential return.
  4. Coaching and Mentorship: Find coaching to accelerate your results and increase your chances of success.

Take Action and Be the Hero

Shift 80% of your focus to $100,000 decisions and take action to build the life you want.

Because if you don’t design the life you want, society will do it for you.

And I’m not sure if this is breaking news, but most people don’t like society’s plan.

So don’t be a victim in your story—take action and be the Hero.

Start making those $100,000 decisions today and watch how your financial future transforms.

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