The Secret Clubs Of The Wealthy And Keys To Get In The Room

How do you grow your network with wealthy people when they run in exclusive circles?

It's important because your network is your net worth, right?

You might hate cliches but that one is truer than the sky is blue.

By the way, when I say "exclusive circles", I'm not talking about the Illuminati or anything like that. 

This is about other "clubs" that the wealthy have that require certain "keys" to get into. 

I'm going to tell you about some with a lower barrier to entry that you can start working to get invited to.

Inclusivity Is A Lie For The Poor

First, you need to realize a truth: the world is lying to you (shocking I know).

They preach inclusivity for everyone else while practicing as much exclusivity in their lives as possible.

  • Everyone else can fly commercial. They fly private.
  • Everyone else can go to tourist traps. They go to rare travel destinations.
  • Everyone else can go to parks. They have private membership clubs.
  • Everyone else can buy trendy goods at retail prices. They buy jewelry that holds value.
  • Everyone else can live on top of each other. They buy houses with privacy fences, gates and land.
  • Everyone can sit in the stands at events. They sit in box seats with security.

This list could go on but even Ray Charles could see that the wealthy have their own spaces.

But this isn't something to be angry about. There's a good reason for this.

The wealthy are protective of their 4 most precious assets: time, energy, money and attention.

And constantly mixing their lives with people who don't value those things the same as them has a heavy cost.

You HAVE to be aware of this because if you don't respect your own time, energy, money and attention, you won't respect theirs and they'll sense that and exclude you from their circle because you don't bring value that exceeds what you cost them.

This is a principle that anyone trying to grow their net worth has to realize and own in order to do so successfully.

Two Different Types Of Secret Clubs

Many of these clubs have physical locations while others are more interest-based.

Clubs that are dependent on a physical location would be:

  • Golf and country clubs
  • Yachting and marinas
  • Private lounges and memberships
  • Polo events (known as the sport of kings)

A simple search on the internet will tell you where these places are but that doesn't help you get into them.

However, taking note of places in the surrounding area to these locations can be a hack to gaining entry.

More on that in the next section though...

Now, lets talk about these secret clubs that are interest-based.

  • Poker
  • Masterminds and VIP events
  • Adventure sports (skiing and cycling)
  • Anime (I'll explain more below)
  • Luxury watches and their markets
  • Fine art collections and artists
  • Wine and spirits tasting and collecting
  • Tennis, golf, Formula 1 racing, hunting

When you run in the circles of the wealthy, you find they tend to enjoy things that other people do as well, but at a different level.

Millions of people like wine. But how many can tell you about the fact that Argentinian grapes yield the best Malbec's in the world?

Poker and golf are games of skill and high performers like to play with people at their level because they want to be challenged.

High net worth individuals commonly seek out coaching and event experiences to continue to level up, but they usually pay for VIP access because they want to be around serious players.

Now, the one on this list that seems to be here on accident is anime. It's not a mistake.

I can't ignore this trend that I'm personally seeing.

The most watched TV show in the world at one point was Dragon Ball Z. It made anime popular everywhere, but despite its growing popularity, people rarely talk about it openly. Why?

Because there is still a stigma that it's a "cartoon" and "not cool".

There are viral videos of girls talking about it being a "red flag" in a potential partner (despite millions of girls who love anime too) which could scare off guys from talking about it to potential romantic partners.

I'll write more about this later, but I've ignited some fantastic conversations with wealthy people who love anime and built a strong connection quickly through this "club". Don't ignore it.

Now that we have gone over some of the clubs, we need to talk about the pre-reqs before we can use a key to get in the room.

Pre-requisites For Entry

It's worth noting, if you already have a bunch of money, you can get 95% of the way there by just BUYING your way into them.

But if you aren't already in a sphere of wealth you'd like to break into, there's a few things you need to prepare in order to gain access.

  1. Become knowledgeable and skilled in 2-3 of these areas since versatility is important because many of these clubs will overlap (golf fans that love watches, etc).
  2. Understand that when the opportunity arises, you must remember to be respectful of everyone's time, energy, money and attention. 
  3. How do you want to be remembered? You do NOT want to be fake, its important to be YOU! However, using myself as an example, when invited, do I want to put myself forward as "the fun guy" or the "shark-diving adventure seeker" or the "value-based family man" or a combo of these things? It's like a first date, you can't show off all of you at once, so be intentional about it.
  4. Bringing something of value is crucial to getting the invite and getting invited back. What that "value" is can be a multitude of things. Maybe you're a charismatic person who makes everything a bit more interesting and fun. That can be good for one more invite. Maybe you have a strong professional network and can offer introductions to relevant people. Maybe you know stocks and real estate super well and have insights to bring? Maybe you can show them how to grow their brand using LinkedIn? The list goes on but its best to have a plethora of options and keep them top of mind.

Okay, now that we have an idea, let's talk about the "keys" we can use to gain entry into these clubs.

Unlocking The Door To The Rooms Where It Happens

There are a few different ways to gain access to these rooms once we have done most of the pre-reqs. 

I will admit, I've been able to skip a few steps sometimes and just get invited through a strong connection into some serious rooms.

But those usually end up being one-time events, not something I become a regular in.

The best way to increase your chances of continued access is by doing the pre-reqs and using keys to show that you are serious about what they are serious about.

A few ways you can do this are...

  • Being involved as a aficionado yourself and collecting/participating in that club at a higher level than the average person
  • Discussing that you are really interested in XYZ thing and looking to learn more (most wealthy people know they didn't get where they are alone and love to help others with similar interests and passion)
  • Committing resources (time, energy and money) to being in rooms adjacent to these clubs like local networking areas, non-profits they support, etc.
  • Creating an event for them to gather (like renting a nice room for an exclusive poker game for business leaders in the area)
  • Actively seek out people in these clubs and find ways to bring value to their lives (even if you are providing a service for free)

These are not the only ways, but they should give you ideas.

There is one last thing and it may seem strange, but asking them for an invitation is key (pun intended).

People are not mind-readers. Some may invite you out of kindness or charity but most people don't know what you want.

So when you get the opportunity to get invited to one of these clubs, this is how you ask without turning people off:

  1. State your interest in the club and WHY you would like to be invited
  2. Do not pressure them and make it easy for them to say no by giving them an easy out
  3. Be gracious if they say no or give a reason why its not possible and simply ask that they keep you in mind if any similar opportunities come up.

It sounds something like "I know the country club/poker game/wine tasting for CEOs is hard to get into, but I'd like to attend so I could expand my network (and if relevant, give a sincere reason that brings value to the group or a specific person you want to meet that is in the club already).I totally understand if you can't or if there's limits to who you can bring, but would you be open to having me as a guest?"

This is all very high level but a good starting point of becoming aware of the secret clubs that are all around you.

And this list can relate to almost anything, especially the interest-based. 

You just need to know your geography and do homework on what the circles you want to get into like to do.

Then, get creative, start networking, become knowledgeable and work your way into the rooms where "it" happens.

I can't tell you how its going to benefit you. I don't even know how its going to benefit me when I get into these rooms.

But I know this...

Access to the right "club" is one of the most powerful investments in your social wealth that anyone can make.


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